Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Steps to follow when you start up your presentation

Speaking in front of a group or public is not a big deal if you are prepared and done sufficient practice and rehearsals. Here are some tips for how to start your presentation:

·         Organize systematically: One of the best ways to lessen your stage fear is that to know your material that you are going to represent. Prepare a careful outline.

·         Practice frequently: Rehearse on regular basis, try to make electronic PowerPoint slides and take the help of speakers note to practice. Rehearse alone or in front of your friends or in front of your family. You can also try audio and video to evaluate you effectiveness.

·         Time yourself: Most of the audience losses control after 12 minutes of your presentation, so to regain their attention rehearse yourself and try to make your presentation small and specific and remember to cover your major points. Your presentation should not be more than 20 minutes.

·         Welcome members of the viewers: Try to make some contact with the audience, before introducing yourself near the podium. And most importantly your body language should convey confidence, friendliness and positive attitude.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sehan,
    This blog is really helpful to us as it provide very important information about the important initial steps should be taken before starting any presentaton.I found it very interesting and knowledgeable.
